The Least, First

Monte Asbury's blog

Posts Tagged ‘Medicaid

Which states have the most Medicaid-funded births?

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I wonder why it is that the states that most decry government spending are the ones that take the most federal money per capita to deliver their babies? Note Huckabee’s Arkansas and Palin’s Alaska and McCain’s Arizona and Barbour’s Mississippi and Jindal’s Louisiana and Demint’s S. Carolina:
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Real People Denied Real Healthcare: Nathan Wilkes

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Nathan is a little boy with hemophilia, and is about one month away from the lifetime cap ($1 million) of his insurance coverage.

His dad makes too much money to be eligible for Medicaid, but not enough to have any hope of paying for Nathan’s medication.

Divorce has been suggested, for if the dad leaves Nathan and his mother, they would be impoverished sufficiently to keep Nathan alive via Medicaid.

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Real People DENIED Real Healthcare: Nathan Wilkes

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No insurance company will insure Nathan’s family. There are no options for them other than a single-payer plan, or—at the very least—a strong public insurance option.

Or maybe divorce.

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